🚚 Free Worldwide Delivery

🔒 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

🙋 10,000+ Happy Customers

Shipping & Returns

We ship all our products free of charge by FedEx. Use the tracking reference we provide on the FedEx Tracking Page to keep an eye on the delivery journey. Each item is posted and insured to guarantee any shipping issues are dealt with urgently by FedEx. You can be sure that if you don’t receive the rug you will get a full refund.

Shipping Times

Europe - 3-7 business days*.

North America - 3-7 business days*.

Oceania (Australia/New Zealand etc) - 6-10 business days*.

* We’ll do our best to meet these shipping estimates, but can’t guarantee them.


Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply, we suggest you look these up depending on where you are but the USA tends to be on items over $800 (at 5-8%) and on items going to Europe over €22 there tends to be something to pay. We can’t be held responsible for any delays due to customs.


Returns, exchanges and cancellations can be made by contacting us within seven days of delivery. We will confirm by return but the process will be to ship the item/s back within 30 days of delivery for a full refund or exchange. Alternatively – request a cancellation within 6 hours of purchase and we will not post the item so we can quickly transfer all fees back to you. Custom or personalised orders can’t be returned or exchanged as they will have been specifically created for your requirements.

Buyers are responsible for return shipping costs and if the item is not returned in it’s original condition, the buyer is responsible for any loss in value. Please also note that a 10% restocking fee applies to all returns.
